
Ornate door

Bring Your Art to Life with an Animation Major

通过坚实的绘画基础创造新的世界和人物, script writing and sequential art.

Our Animation major will guide you through visual design, 故事板和声音设计,因为你建立自己的电影在2D, 3D and stop-motion animation.

Why earn your Animation degree at St. Edward’s?

在奥斯汀这样的动画热点地区学习,为你打开了在当地工作室实习的大门,也为你打开了参与世界知名活动的大门,比如西南偏南电影节和奥斯汀电影节. 我们的动画节目也接待了目前业内的专业人士. 动画教师与职业发展办公室密切合作,确定工作和实习机会,帮助你向最好的人学习.

Learn from Austin Animators

Previously, 学生们从DC漫画和各种动画节目的作家那里听到, the voice director for multiple Triple-A video games. 像Powerhouse Animation Studios和Minnow Mountain这样的雇主已经帮助奥斯汀成为全国领先的动画工作中心.

Hands-on Experience

In this personalized program, 您的动画教室提供工作站与Cintiq笔显示器和定格摄像机. 您也可以预订一个时间,为您在我们的专业工作室与桌面工作站和照明的2D和3D动画创建.

Outside of the Classroom

与山顶分享你的才能,并参与学生组织. 如果你是一名社论漫画家,把你的作品提交给学生论文, Hilltop Views. Create art through programming with the St. 爱德华的创客俱乐部和工作项目使用3d打印,焊接和编程LED条. 你也可以通过Command G图形设计俱乐部参加丝网印刷和图形工作坊,或者在亚洲流行文化俱乐部讨论所有关于动漫的事情.


Reap the Rewards of Austin

Austin is one of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S. and home to nearly 100 Fortune 500 firms. Our Austin location, 伙伴关系和联系让你沉浸在城市的动态业务, government, nonprofit and academic environments.

What will you learn?

你将在大一的春天参加这个项目的试镜, 在你上了一个学期的戏剧艺术课,认识了老师之后. 然后,潜入你的手艺,有机会研究时期的风格和练习在相机上工作. 通过专业发展系列获得宝贵的经验, which includes workshops on voiceovers, commercial copy and other media. 

A few examples of courses students take in the major:

  • In Foundations in Animation, 您将学习一系列技术,使您能够创建包括定格运动在内的短动画项目, traditional hand-drawn, and even sand animation. 
  • In Animation Production, 你会从你所有的动画经验和花费整个学期的计划, writing, designing, recording, and creating the audio for your own short animated film.
  • In Kinestasis and Motion Graphics, 您将专注于传统和数字技术,旨在使图像和文本在一系列适合动画电影的实现中更加生动, video games, presentations and web design.
  • Compositing and Visual Effects 是一个先进的数字动画课程,建立在基础上,从以前的课程探索一系列的技术,结合多个视觉元素在一个单一的镜头, including rotoscoping, digital motion capture, transformation, lighting, and particle effects.

What skills will you gain?


  • 使用传统绘画为你的动画电影奠定基础, script writing and sequential art.
  • 为你自己的动画电影创建一个故事板,并将音频拼凑在一起,以配合你的工作.
  • 通过写剧本来发展角色,并通过运动平衡来赋予他们生命, rotoscoping, stop-motion and vector-art animation, capture-rendered 3D animation and visual effects.

Potential Careers

动画美术学士学位将为毕业生从事各种职业做好准备. Here’s a sample:

  • Cartoon and game animator
  • Content creator
  • Motion graphics specialist
  • Commercial artist
  • Sketch writer
  • Producer

Explore Details About the BA in Animation

The Asian Pop Culture Club 你是讨论动漫、韩国流行音乐和其他亚洲流行文化的地方吗.

Are you an editorial cartoonist? Submit your work to Hilltop Views这是一份学生周报,报道校园和大奥斯汀社区的新闻.

B. Hooved 是学生幽默杂志,灵感来自我们的山顶山羊吉祥物.

Command G is the graphic design club. Members visit local museums and design studios, host critique nights, and create their own designs in button-making, screen-printing and risograph workshops.

The St. Edward’s Maker Club 吸引了从事过3d打印项目的工匠和程序员, soldering, programming LED strips, and creating art through programming.

Topper Studios is the digital media club. Members are involved in creating podcasts, YouTube channels, short films, music videos and comedy sketches, 帮助他们的同学制作数字内容. Topper工作室的学生还经常为圣塔斯特学院的其他俱乐部制作宣传视频. Edward’s.

The Digital Media Center 在星期一图书馆是创建自己的内容和学习新技能的资源. Here you can produce and edit videos, 播客和视觉设计项目的帮助下,你的同学. 该实验室配备了运行最新软件(包括Adobe Creative Suite)的顶级计算机. It also has a group editing/podcasting room, 一个绿幕室和一个用于画外音的“耳语室”. If you are skilled at software, hardware repair, graphic design or video editing, 你可以申请作为数字媒体专家在实验室工作.

Major Requirements: 动画美术学士需要60个小时的课程. 动画课程提供视频游戏动画课程和美术课程的混合,以支持对新兴动画师至关重要的技术和概念发展. 

General Education Requirements: 除了主修课程和选修课外,该学位还要求学生在四年的时间里完成54小时的通识教育课程.


View and download the full degree plan for our Animation major.

For more information about the Animation minor:

Contact Robert Denton Bryant, director of Video Game Development and Animation.